Just when you thaught it was safe to go back inside... CATS!Just when you thaught it was safe to go back inside... CATS!

Noriko's Place

My Cats

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I have always loved cats. I still remember playing with the neighbors' cats as a kid and wishing I could have one of my own, yet my parents always said no. I vowed that someday when I had my own place I would get me my own cat! About a year before I moved out of my Parents' house, a friend's cat had kittens and his grandmother let me keep one at her place for when I was ready to move. He looked like a Lynx Point Siamese, despite the fact that his mother was a pure black cat, though his father looked just like him. He was a very sweet and relaxed cat, so I named him Placido. He grew up to be a big beautiful cat with a tiny meow, but when it was time move, I didn't have the heart to take him away from the woman who had cared for him and his all gray twin brother, all those months. But I knew that as soon as I arrived out west, I would get me a cat of my own.
This site is dedicated to my cats, which have become a part of me, as all cats have.
I am what they call a cat person...

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You are a Siamese Cat!
You are fun-loving, playful, energetic, talkative and exotic.
You are the center of attention and you love every minute of it.
What breed of cat are you? brought to you by Quizilla

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Time & Temperature at Noriko's:

Warning!Most of the artwork and animations were made by myself or friends and are copyrighted by us. Others are copyrighted by those who?s sites they are linked to. Please ask before you use any pictures or art work from this website! Thanks!

AlathanGreat thanks to Alathan for teaching me how to use a computer. |*
FanmailPage creation and design by Noriko. If you have any comments, questions or suggestions; or if you need help with your web pages, please e-mail me at: noriko@darkharbor.com.